
Pansophia Academy Bus Involved In Friday Morning Accident
Saturday, February 1, 2025

(COLDWATER) – There were no serious injuries Friday morning when a Pansophia Academy bus was struck by another automobile.

In a post on the school’s website, Pansophia Academy Assistant Principal Kayla Gray says that Friday morning Bus #44 was at a stop and was backed into by a car pulling out of a driveway.

All of the students on the bus were okay and remained calm while the situation was checked out by emergency personnel.

Gray says the school used a different bus to transport the students to school and then finish the remainder of Bus #44’s route.

Gray says school officials contacted all parents of students who reported they bumped their head on the seat or a window during the incident. There were no major injuries and all of the students passed concussion safety protocol performed by emergency personnel on site.

When the students arrived at school, Principal Ryan Tomlinson spoke with everyone who was on the bus at the time of the accident to ensure they were okay.

Bus #44 has some minor scratches from the crash, but it is still operational.